About IB

An MBA in International Business (IB) is a specialized program aimed at preparing students for the complexities of global commerce. It offers a comprehensive curriculum that delves into various aspects of international trade, including cross-border transactions, global market analysis, cultural nuances, and regulatory frameworks. Through case studies, simulations, and experiential learning opportunities, students develop a deep understanding of how businesses operate in diverse international environments. The program typically covers topics such as international marketing, global strategy, supply chain management, and foreign market entry strategies. Graduates of an MBA in IB are equipped with the skills to lead businesses across borders, fostering relationships with stakeholders from different cultural backgrounds and navigating geopolitical challenges. Career opportunities abound, ranging from international business consultants to global operations managers, in sectors like finance, consulting, technology, and manufacturing. With the increasingly interconnected nature of the global economy, the demand for professionals with expertise in international business is on the rise.

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If not the real world, the classes of MBA are simulated as real world, making the learning close to reality. Wide range of emerging specialization areas are on offer. The Management Programmes are aimed at developing analytical and leadership skills among the prospective managers. Programmes are specially designed for students to develop their knowledge and skills and to improve their self-confidence for effective and successful management. The programmes can provide sufficient flexibility to students to fulfil their professional commitments alongside their study. The aim is to enhance the overall employability of students in the relevant functional area in industry, through comprehensive conceptual and practical clarity.

Program outcomes are narrower statements that describe what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time of graduation. These relate to the skills, knowledge, and behaviours that students acquire in their matriculation through the program

Decision Making: Developing responsiveness to contextual social issues and exploring solutions, understanding business ethics and resolving ethical dilemmas.

Problem Solving: Apply analytical decision-making skills and solve problems using cross functional information and research tools.

Global Outlook: Demonstrate a global outlook with the ability to identify aspects of the global business and Cross-Cultural Understanding.

Domain Knowledge: Leveraging domain knowledge for organizing information, analysis and exploring business opportunities.

Communication: Exercise effective written and oral communication skills for different business situations.

Leadership: Demonstrate proactive leadership and build effective teams.

Entrepreneurship:Evaluate and execute ideas for entrepreneurship.

  • Application of management concepts and research tools to understand ever changing laws, policies and competition in world of business.
  • Synthesize knowledge of different functional areas to take decisions that provide competitive edge and enable efficient execution of projects.

Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship projects are integral part of curriculum and help establish themselves as successful entrepreneurs.

Professional Enhancement: In addition to core curricula, course offers subjects like communication, analytical and soft skills to enhance personality and employability.

Contemporary Curriculum: In still advanced knowledge about contemporary area in management such as Green Marketing.

Projects: Opportunity to work on business projects to enhance managerial skills.

Holistic Development: Participation in technical events, sports and cultural activities help in the holistic development of students

Specializations: The course offers specialization offerings in Marketing, Finance, Human Resource, Information Technology etc.

Case Based Teaching: Usage of real-life case studies to provide interactive teaching and learning methodology. 4

Minimum Duration:2 years

Minimum Duration:4 years

Medium of instruction and Examination shall be English.

Bachelor’s degree (any discipline) or equivalentOR
Completed Company Secretary (CS) from Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) OR
Completed Chartered Accountancy (CA) from Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) OR Completed Cost & Management Accountancy (CMA) from Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICAI)

S.No Course Code Course Title Credit CA ETE ETP Elective Area Term
1 EMGN802 Export And Import Managment 6 30 70 0 International Business 3/4
2 EOPR512 International Trade Logistics 6 30 70 0 International Business 3/4
3 EECO522 International Economics 6 30 70 0 International Business 3/4
  • Assignment:- 30 marks
  • Term End Exam:- 70 Marks – (40 MCQ+30 Case Study Base) per subj per Semester
  • Semester Exam Conducted Twice in a year – June & Dec
  • Each paper – 100 Marks
  • Time – 3 hours per exam
  • No negative marks.
  • The Online (Proctored Based Tests) are conducted.
  • Minimum passing marks 30% in CA & TEE but overall 40%

Special classes are organized under Placement Enhancement Program (PEP) where students are trained in aptitude, reasoning, soft skills, interviewing skills. mock interviews and online workshop are also there.
